24 Days of "24": "TV Guide" Senior TV Critic Matt Roush on the "24" Legacy
Ever since I was a kid, “TV Guide Magazine” has been a major part of my life. And even now, with all of the resources I have at my disposal, “TV Guide Magazine” is still my roadmap to navigate the world of television.
An important part of that roadmap is Matt Roush, the magazine’s senior TV critic. For years, I’ve been turning to Matt to help me make decisions about what to watch. I don’t always agree with him, but I always respect his opinions.
So I figured who better to kick off my tribute to my beloved “24.” In part one of a two-part post, Matt shares his thoughts on the legacy of the show and his favorite moments…

Yes, the show often became trapped by its formula, requiring superhuman suspension of disbelief, and some seasons were defeated by the need to keep piling on the conspiracy angles and taking detours like the misadventures of Kim Bauer and more recently anything involving Dana Walsh. But on balance, I think the show will be remembered with admiration for its propulsive and gripping storytelling. Watching “24” when it's firing on all cylinders is a visceral experience like few others. And the audience attachment to characters like Jack and Chloe—and even Tony (good then evil then good then evil, etc.) –ensures they'll linger long in our collective memory. When it comes time to make lists of all-time great TV heroes, Jack Bauer will rank high on that list.

Tomorrow, I’ll share Matt’s thoughts about “24” and “Lost” ending so closely together and he addresses my concerns that FOX is not showing “24” as much love as ABC is showing “Lost.” Plus, he’ll tell us how he’d like to see “24” end…
You can read more from Matt on the “TV Guide Magazine” website or by following him on Twitter at @RoushTVGuideMag.
And remember you can now follow me on Twitter at @TVAngela…
Photo Credits: TVGuideMagazine.com and Kelsey McNeal/FOX