So now that my decision to write off “Prison Break” has been confirmed to be a good one, I’ve decided to make another decision…
I’m done with “Heroes.”
Shocking, isn’t it? As much as I loved the show last season, to be done with it after only three episodes? But they’ve really left me no choice. It’s just so boring.
In fact, I actually stopped watching it live after 15 minutes and called my parents. I mean, there were THREE stories with subtitles last night. THREE! And I didn’t care about any of them. I didn’t even care about the ones that were in English!
I get the twin thing already. When the brother isn’t with her, she kills people. How many times do we have to see the stuff come out of her eyes?…
We get the Hiro thing already. He’s falling in love with his hero’s girl. We don’t need him to write it down for Ando to explain it to us…
I’ve always liked Stephen Tobolowsky, but as the new head of The Company, he just comes off as weird, not mysterious like Eric Roberts did as Anderson last season. In fact, The Company is coming off as a complete caricature…
I knew that D.L. was a goner just based on what I had read and seen before the season started, but the quick way they dispatched him was a little messed up. And waiting until the third episode to do it?...
So apparently Sylar returned, but he is not at all the Sylar we know—the scary, yet somehow misunderstood villain he was last year. And that’s due more in part to the writing than his lack of powers (And the recast of Candace? Pathetic. I’m glad he killed her.)…
I realize that Peter has amnesia, but does he really think being in some kind of Irish gang spitting out stilted clichéd dialogue is better than the life he had? And he’s already making out with some chick he just met that he knows nothing about? And he saw what he could do and that he couldn’t be killed, why didn’t he just take the box instead of helping them rob the armored car?
And how many more times do we have to hear Claire whine that she can’t be herself? That didn’t seem to bother her last season. And the whole thing with West should be magical and intriguing, but it just falls completely flat.
The whole thing reminds me of what happened to another favorite show of mine that suffered one of the worst sophomore slumps I’ve ever seen—“The O.C.” During that second season, the show’s creator Josh Schwartz was being pulled in other directions by FOX and so he left the show in the hands of other writers, namely an up and coming one by the name of J.J. Philbin. In the hands of someone who didn’t know them, the characters became unrecognizable. And it didn’t get any better until the final season when Schwartz and his partner Stephanie Savage reclaimed the show from Philbin.
So does anyone want to guess who the sole writer of last night’s “Heroes” episode was? That’s right. The same J.J. Philbin, who is now a co-executive producer on the show after Bryan Fuller departed to create “Pushing Daisies.”
I hate to break it to you, Regis, but your daughter’s becoming a bit of a show killer.
Which begs the question. Why would you put these wonderful characters we all fell in love with in the hands of someone who has no idea who they are?

Even my beloved HRG is boring in Philbin’s hands. And I think you know that last scene didn’t make me any happier. In fact, it was what sealed my decision.
Warning: If you haven’t seen last night’s “Heroes,” stop reading now…According to Isaac’s painting (And we need to go back to that thread why?), HRG is going to die. Now, I realize that painting could not be what it seems (like the painting of Peter at Homecoming), but I’m not going to stick around to find out.
If the only reason to watch is going to be gone, then I’m gone. I’m just going to take off before he does…