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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"Lost": Holy Crap!--UPDATED

So I looked down for just a split second and ended up missing the biggest moment of “Lost” this season…

They really mean it when they say you can’t miss a second…

Warning: The remainder of this post contains details about tonight’s episode of “Lost.”

Did “Lost” actually kill Locke? Granted, he’s started to outlive his usefulness, but I was under the impression that he and Jack would have a throwdown before they got rid of him. I REALLY didn’t see this one coming…

I have NO idea what’s going on with this Jacob stuff, but the whole thing was kind of cool. It was great to see Jon Gries (Broots from “The Pretender”) as Ben’s dad, but did we have to watch him die?

And just how old is Nestor Carbonell’s character supposed to be anyway? Or maybe I should ask how old Ben is supposed to be. Obviously younger than I thought…

I’ll stop babbling now for your thoughts…
UPDATE: I usually don't read all of the theories on all of the message boards about what every single frame means, but I couldn't help myself this time. The prevailing theory is that Jacob is Locke. A Locke from another timeline, perhaps...

Judge for yourself. Thanks to the "Lost" Easter Eggs blog for this picture...