You guys know I love the cheesy goodness of “CSI: Miami.” But unfortunately, whenever the show attempts an actual storyline, things fall apart.
And that has been no more evident than with the story of Kyle, Horatio’s son.
Kyle first showed up in the season premiere. The “story” was that Horatio got involved with his mother while undercover, but he didn’t know about Kyle. Without his parents, Kyle fell in with the wrong crowd and ended up in jail for kidnapping.
The story was meant to show Horatio’s softer side, but it was basically just a bad diversion from the cheesiness that makes the show worth watching. And it didn’t help that Kyle is played by Evan Ellingson, the same actor that helped ruin “24” last season as Josh Bauer.
Thankfully, the story was put aside for a while—that is until Monday, when Kyle’s mother, Julia, showed up.

Ever since I heard that Julia would be played by Elizabeth Berkley (“Saved By the Bell”), I just knew this wasn’t going to work.
Sometime, it’s good to be wrong…
Now you guys know that I’m a big “Bell” fan, so I have nothing personal against Berkley. But I just couldn’t see how she could work as Kyle’s mom. Simple math would tell you that it’s just not logical. After all, if all the actors are playing their actual ages, Julia would have been 16 when Kyle was born and Horatio would have been 32. Eeww!
But Berkley was so good that I’m actually willing to suspend logic. She and David Caruso (Horatio) had very little chemistry, but Berkley was fun to watch as she slinked around the screen wreaking havoc. Some people would call (and have called) her performance stiff. I would call it all part of the cheesy goodness that is “CSI: Miami.”
And that weird ripply effect that made it hard to focus on some of the scenes just made it even cheesier…
If this strike ever ends, we’ll get to see that inevitable showdown between Julia and Horatio. The chances of it making sense are very slim, but it will probably be fun…
Julia better bring her sunglasses…