Stay Tuned
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"24": WOO-HOO!!!

There is really only one word I can use to sum up my feelings about last night’s two hours of “24”…


By 10 p.m., my heart was racing, my breathing was off and I couldn’t sit still. It was a feeling I hadn’t experienced in a long time—but boy, was it a good one. For the first time all season, I had experienced the adrenaline rush of “24.”

It was about time…

All of the problems that had been plaguing the show all season were fixed. The action was amped up, the supporting characters were intriguing, Milo’s life was put in jeopardy, D.B. Woodside finally learned to speak normally, Chloe came out of the background and there was no Sandra Palmer in sight (although I fear she’ll be back). Not even Marilyn and her mysterious kid could derail this one.

So, where to start…

How about with the dynamic duo of Jack and Chloe? Theirs is a complex relationship, and it showed all of its facets last night. First, it was friendship, as Jack tried to keep Chloe calm about Morris. Then it was admiration when Chloe returned to work. The look on Jack’s face when he heard Chloe’s voice over the comm was beautiful. Then, there was annoyance when Chloe told Jack the wrong switches to flip to stop the bomb from detonating. “Are you sure this time?” I know that wasn’t funny, but I laughed. And then, finally, the moment we’d been waiting for—their reunion at CTU. Chloe hadn’t laid eyes on Jack in over 18 months so it deserved to be a great moment, and it was, with Chloe’s special touch. “I’m glad Fayed didn’t kill you this morning.” “Me too,” Jack answered with a rare smile. The music was a tad much, but I think it was just expressing what we’re all thinking—Could we get these two together already?! Okay, I’m probably the only one thinking that…

And speaking of Chloe, how great was she with Morris? He’s been a bit of an annoyance for me this season, so I really liked the whole twist of him helping the terrorists. I thought they would threaten Chloe, but him being a “coward” was a much better way to go. I think Jack summed it up best for all of us when he incredulously asked, “You gave them something that actually worked?” And for Chloe to have to deal with the man she loves possibly being responsible for the deaths of thousands is a master stroke. Mary Lynn Rajskub was fantastic and I hope she marked this one for the Emmy reel—though I’m sure there’s more to come.

Now, one could argue that Phillip, Jack’s dad, is becoming a little too sinister; but I wouldn’t be that one. I would have never guessed that he would tell anyone that he killed Graem—least of all Graem’s wife— or that he would threaten Josh, but it works for me. And as the overly revealing previews tell us, Jack will actually learn the truth about his father next week—a lot faster than I would’ve guessed. But hey, anything that speeds up Marilyn’s departure is fine with me.

Even the White House storyline was riveting as D.B. Woodside dropped his Shakespearean speeches and actually started speaking normally again. But the heart of this story is without a doubt Chad Lowe, who was born to play this part.

I was concerned that the show was going to repeat itself with an overthrow of the president like in season two (my least favorite season, by the way); but it appears the show is headed toward something much more sinister. Something I dare not put in writing in case this blog is being monitored by the real Secret Service…

And as much as I love D.B. Woodside, I’ve got to say, if I’m right, it will be REALLY cool…

