"24": Seeing the light...
So while everyone else at Joan C. Edwards Stadium in Huntington Saturday was trying to find a way to get to Matthew McConaughey, I was wondering how I could get to Kate Mara and ask her what’s going to happen on “24.”
What can I say? I’ve got my priorities.
I didn’t talk to her, of course, which is a shame since maybe she could’ve given me some insight into her character, Shari, who may possibly be the oddest character in “24” history.
Shari, again, played a key role in last night’s story as she gave Karen the clues she needed to help her see the light (aka realize Jack is right).
But Karen wasn’t the only one who saw the light. Remember how I said last week that I was worried the wheels were coming off the story? Yeah, I’m not so worried anymore.
Although the prospect of Jack taking an airplane hostage does worry me a little…
And there are still some questions to be answered, like where is Wayne Palmer and what did President Logan do to Aaron Pierce? If Logan really did just transfer him, is there a chance he could be on the plane with Jack?
And most importantly, how in the world could I have actually been worried about Audrey’s safety when I have hated her since the first time she appeared on screen? Only a show as good as “24” could make that happen.
Of course, I still believe Chloe is the only woman good enough for Jack, but I can see Audrey’s appeal a little more now.
The other question to be answered is where in the world is this all going and for that question I have no answer…
And that’s what makes “24” so much fun!
Stay tuned…