"The Real Housewives of D.C." Finale: What Did Michaele Know and When Did She Know It?
Thursday on “The Real Housewives of D.C.” we saw the lead-up to the infamous alleged White House party crashing incident and boy, was it ugly…

If you missed it, Tareq took Michaele to a salon to get ready for the big event—the State Dinner at The White House. Michaele yammered away to her makeup artist about how she had called a White House social secretary to determine if her sari was appropriate to wear. But the chatter cooled considerably when Michaele moved to her stylist. Maybe that was because it was pretty obvious the stylist was asking prepared questions—no doubt from the suspicious Bravo producers.
Finally the stylist flat out asked if she could see the invitation and Michaele went out to the limo—presumably to find it. But after fumbling around the vehicle, she came up empty. When a producer confronted her about telling the stylist she’d go get it, Michaele didn’t seem to remember saying she would. The producer continued to press, but to no avail. Finally, Michaele asked Tareq about the invitation and he told her that they didn’t need it. He then repeated that statement to the camera during a taped confessional moment, saying the invitation was just a formality. Later, in her own confessional, Michaele said she was sure the invitation was safe at home. She also said she knew that one of the girls at the salon would love to see the invitation, but that just wasn’t going to happen—even though earlier she had said it was in the car and went to get it.
This Thursday, on the “Housewives” season finale, we’ll see more of what happened and then experience the aftermath through the eyes of the other Housewives. Then, the Salahis will join Andy Cohen on “Watch What Happens Live,” following the finale.
But my mind is already made up. I believe the Salahis did crash the party. The only question is whether Michaele knew they were crashing. I believe it’s quite possible Tareq told her they were invited when they weren’t. And she just went along with him because she goes along with everything he does—like a good Stepford Wife should.
Either way, I’ll definitely be watching Thursday night. And I think there will probably be some White House people watching as well…
“The Real Housewives of D.C.” airs a special extended season finale Thursday, October 7th at 9 p.m., followed by “Watch What Happens Live” at 10:15 p.m. on Bravo…
Photo Credit: Adam Olszweski/Bravo