"Astonishing X-Men Gifted" Review: Astonishing, Indeed
My name is Angela, and I am a comic book geek. It’s why I’m able to follow so many of the comic discussions on “The Big Bang Theory.”
Although I’m currently following the return of Bruce Wayne to the “Batman” universe and Wonder Woman in her new costume, it’s the X-Men that I keep the most tabs on. It is, after all, the title that first got me hooked. Although, I have to admit I’m a lot less hooked since the death of my favorite comic book character of all time, Jean Grey.
Which is probably why I avoided Joss Whedon’s 2004 run of “Astonishing X-Men.” The critics raved, but I never bit, still trying to deal with the idea of Cyclops hooking up with Emma Frost.
Now I see what I was missing…

For those of you not familiar with the story, “Astonishing” focuses on the team of Cyclops, Emma Frost, Beast, Wolverine and Shadowcat. The “Gifted” arc finds the team facing a new threat—a possible mutant cure that could change their lives forever.
The writing is just as good as advertised. The dialogue absolutely crackles and the action pops off the screen—even in the motion comic format. It’s a great way to relive a good story, and at the retail price of $14.97, it’s a much cheaper way to follow it as well.
Plus, there are bonus features that shed more light on the whole motion comic process. And you get a sampling of the very funny “Marvel Super Heroes: What The—?” series featuring action figures in motion a la “Robot Chicken.”
The press release from Shout! promises this is the first title in the “multi-part ‘Astonishing X-Men’ home entertainment series.” The next part can’t come soon enough…
“Astonishing X-Men: Gifted” hits stores Tuesday, September 28th…
Photo Credit: Shout! Factory