"Real Housewives of D.C.": Maybe It's Just Not That Exciting
I have to be honest and tell you that I just can’t get excited about “The Real Housewives of D.C.”

Or maybe it’s just not that exciting…
“D.C.” follows five movers and shakers in the D.C. community—or at least they think they’re movers and shakers. Mary spent summers with the Kennedys and is the granddaughter of radio and TV personality Arthur Godfrey. Stacie is a successful real estate agent. Lynda owns a successful modeling agency. Cat is a British import whose only real claim to fame is that she’s married to a White House photographer.
And then there’s Michaele. She’s the founder (along with her husband) of America’s Polo Cup. But you probably know her better as the White House gatecrasher (also along with her husband).
All “Housewives” shows have a central witch that stirs everything up. For “D.C.” that appears to be Cat, who gets into a ridiculous political discussion with the other ladies that President Bush is a better man than President Obama because Bush RSVPed to her wedding and Obama didn’t. As Stacie says, “Hello! He’s running a country.” And then there’s Cat’s slightly racist comments about hair salons and Tyra Banks. But all of that is more ridiculous than dramatic, or even entertaining.
There’s also the usual cattiness, most of it aimed squarely at Michaele as Lynda questions her credentials as a real D.C. bigwig. In fact, whether the show means to or not, the spotlight is put squarely on Michaele as we wait for the big moment when she puts on her red sari and heads to the White House.
Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait quite a while before we see that moment because it occurred when filming was almost over. But in all honesty, I’m not sure the show can sustain our interest until then…
“The Real Housewives of D.C.” premieres Thursday, August 5th at 9 p.m. on Bravo…
Photo (L-R): Cat, Stacie, Mary, Lynda, and Michaele. Credit: Bravo