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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"Heroes": Each Has Their Part to Play

You may recall a few weeks ago, I told you how the creators of “Lost” criticized the resolution of the “Save the cheerleader…save the world” story on “Heroes” for not living up to the hype…

Now we know it didn’t live up to the hype because we haven’t seen it yet…

Warning: The remainder of this post contains details about last night’s episode of “Heroes.”

“Each person has their part to play,” Linderman told Nathan as he revealed his master plan to allow New York City to be destroyed so the world could be reset by people coming together through their fear. And Nathan’s part is to be the person who leads the world through the crisis as President of the United States…

It was fascinating to me to watch how Nathan’s views changed throughout the hour. First, he thought Linderman was crazy and didn’t want any part of sacrificing his brother Peter for Linderman’s plan. Then, you could see him considering it when Peter revealed that he could survive causing the explosion. And when Peter said he thought Claire might be able to keep him from destroying New York, Nathan made his decision by sending her away until after the election—and the explosion.

But this leads me to the biggest question I had last night. If Linderman needs Nathan to become President, why did he send Jessica to kill him? The answer I eventually came to was that since Linderman had the painting, he knew that Jessica wouldn’t kill him and he used her to flush Nathan out so he could reveal his plan. But did anyone else think that painting didn’t look anything like the others? Almost like Isaac didn’t paint it?

And speaking of Isaac, his death came to pass last night, but not before he revealed his part to play—to tell everyone how to stop Sylar, which I presume he did in his last comic. But what was Sylar painting? And can he really paint the future like Isaac, or will his views be distorted?

I knew that someone was going to die last night, and I was once again concerned that it was going to be HRG. But my guy saved the day last night and has now formed an unlikely alliance with Ted and Matt to take down the company. And, of course, the tracking system is in New York. So does that mean it’s possible that the exploding man is Ted after all and not Peter? Linderman didn’t confirm Nathan’s suspicions, he just said everyone had a part to play…

And what about that Candice chick? That shape-shifting is always good for a little jolt…

In all honesty, I was a little disappointed with the episode, but there is so much promise for the future that I’m willing to give the show a pass…

And speaking of the future, we will see it in all of its disturbed glory next week in an episode I think will be key to putting all of the pieces together…

Plus, we get to see more of future Hiro and he is SERIOUSLY cool…
