Matthew Fox Tells How One Aspect of “We Are Marshall” Upset the People Behind “Lost”
For those of you who don’t have satellite radio, Matthew Fox was on 20 on 20 on XM radio this morning doing promotion for “We Are Marshall.”
The most interesting tidbit he shared was that the people at Touchstone, who produce “Lost” were not happy about the red hair he sports while playing Red Dawson. Apparently there’s a clause in Matthew’s “Lost” contract that says he is not allowed to change his appearance (After all, where would he get hair dye on that island? From the hatch?). But after talking with McG, Matthew decided he absolutely had to dye it. Since at one point he was doing both projects at the same time, his plan was to dye it back before he got back to Hawaii. However, before he could do that, the pictures of him and Matthew McConaughey on set appeared in a magazine. When the Touchstone people saw the red hair, he says they were a little upset, but since Jack never had red hair, I’m guessing they got over it…
Speaking of “Lost,” ABC announced last week that the show will move to 10 p.m. when it returns February 7th. The move was made to avoid a showdown with the results show of “American Idol,” but Matthew says the move will allow the show to properly address its adult issues and the violence required for the stories. Sounds like things are about to get more intense on that island…