Stay Tuned
Reviews, previews and much more on "The Real Housewives," "How I Met Your Mother," "NCIS" and many more of your favorite shows. This is the place to talk about all of the things that make us "Stay Tuned"…

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Special Package

When I arrived home last night, amongst my numerous packages was a mysterious white package.

It didn’t look like anything I had ordered and I didn’t recognize the company, which was out of Burbank. At the bottom of the mailing label were the words “Re: Fall DVD Preview.” Obviously I was intrigued, so I opened the box as quickly as possible.

I couldn’t believe what was inside. Underneath a letter from FOX and “TV Guide” were DVDs of the season premieres of all of the new FOX fall shows AND the season premieres of “Prison Break,” “Bones” and “House.”

As Frank Barone always said, “Holy crap!” I’m not ashamed to admit I did a little dance around the room.

So this means that you can stay tuned for previews of FOX’s new shows and your returning favorites, starting with the return of “Prison Break.”

Have I mentioned that I love “TV Guide” and FOX? Just wanted to be sure to get that in there in case they’d like to leave me any more special packages…

Stay tuned…