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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Question of the Week: Your Favorite Shows

Last week’s question was kind of a hard one, so this week, I thought I would go with an easier one—or so I think.

Today’s Question of the Week is: What is your favorite TV show of all time?

For me, I always thought it was “Family Ties.” But the first time I gave up watching a first-run show to watch a re-run of a show I’d seen numerous times AND have on DVD, I realized there was a new favorite—“Friends.”

A look around my apartment would also clue you in with my “Friends” coaster set, my cast painting on the wall, the collection of DVDs in the special collectors’ box, the Playstation 2 game, the DVD board game, the two trivia books, and the special edition collectors’ book.

I’m actually slightly dreading the beginning of the new season because it means I will have to give up my four episodes of “Friends” every Monday on TBS. And yes, it even pains me a little to miss them for new “24” episodes. But just a little since “24” is quickly climbing the charts with the two giant “24” posters on my walls, the three “24” mousepads (one is at work), the “24” key chain and checkbook cover, the two “24” t-shirts, the collection of DVDs, the Playstation 2 game, the four books (with two on the way), the magazine subscription, the coffee mug, the charm bracelet and the membership to the fan club.

WOW! I have a problem…

If I were to make a top 10 list of favorites, it would probably go something like this…

1. “Friends”
2. “24”
3. “Family Ties”
4. “The A-Team”
5. “Another World”
6. “Full House”
7. “The Pretender”
8. “American Idol”
9 “Sports Night”
10.“Murder One” (Season One)/“Project Runway”

Yes, that's right. I'm the only person in the world who would put both "24" and "Full House" on their all-time favorites list.

So how about you? What’s your favorite show of all time? Or maybe you have a top 10 list you would like to share?

Just Post a Comment to get us started…