"Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It" Review: Rock On!
Ten years ago, if you had told me to describe Bret Michaels, I would have used words like rocker, wild, reckless. But now, I use words like father, caring, compassionate. But I would also add the word adorable…
And now Bret is showing us all of those traits on his new reality show, “Bret Michaels” Life As I Know It.”

In the opening episode, we get a quick recap of all of Bret’s health issues. Then, the focus turns to him wanting to get back on the road—something his daughters are not all that crazy about. But Bret is first and foremost a rocker. And he’s not going to let a little thing like appendicitis, or an aneurysm, or a stroke, or a hole in his heart stop him.
And even though you know he’s risking his life, you can’t help but root for him…
Bret’s life as he knows it is pretty awesome. And we’ll all enjoy watching it.
“Bret Michaels: Life As I know It” premieres Monday, October 18th at 10 p.m. on VH1…
Photo Credit: VH1