A Final Word About Last Week's "Top Chef All-Stars"
So before tonight’s new episode of “Top Chef All-Stars,” let me say a final word about last week’s doozy of an episode…

Here’s what I mean…
By so vehemently defending a dish the judges thought was bad, Jen made herself look clueless as a chef. So when choosing between a chef that made a bad dish she thought was really great and a chef that messed up his dish and knew it (Tre), they had to go with the first one.
And let’s face it. If Jen hadn’t mounted such a stern defense and told them that not having Jamie hurt the dish, she would’ve been safe. I believe the judges would’ve taken her disadvantage into consideration.
So what happened? Why did Jen snap? I honestly have no idea. And it’s one thing to defend your dish, but to call the judges stupid?
It was pretty surprising behavior from someone who had never exhibited it. The judges were pretty stunned as well. Jen said, “Welcome to Jen All-Stars,” but I have to think there was something else at play.
I encourage you to visit BravoTV.com and read the judges’ blogs about their decisions. You can also watch a video from Jen’s boss, Eric Ripert, who shares his thoughts on how he would’ve voted.
There are now 16 cheftestants left and two are going home tonight. And Jen’s elimination proves no one is safe.
“Top Chef All-Stars” airs tonight at 10 on Bravo…
Photo Credit Rene Cervantes/Bravo