"The Closer" Review: There's No One Like Her
You guys know that I always root for Kyra Sedgwick when she’s up for awards.
But that’s just because I really like her. I have actually never seen an episode of “The Closer”—that is, until last night when I watched the season premiere.
Now I’ll root for Sedgwick even harder…

And the rest of the Major Case Squad are great compliments to Brenda, especially since they’re in the hands of good actors like G.W. Bailey and Tony Denison. And who doesn’t love J.K. Simmons…
In the premiere, Brenda is faced with a suicide that takes a lot of interesting twists and turns before Brenda closes the case.
I can’t really say much more about the episode than that because I am sworn to secrecy. But both cliffhangers from September—the fate of Sanchez and Brenda’s answer to Fritz’s wedding ultimatum—do get resolved rather quickly.
“The Closer” is a solid drama with a fantastic cast and I encourage you to check it out—unless you have a Nielsen box and then I encourage you to tape it and watch “24”…
Sorry, I just can’t help myself…
“The Closer” premieres Monday, January 26th at 9 p.m. on TNT…
Photo Credit: Karen Neal/TNT