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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Will Gregory "Meet the Press"?

So I watched “Meet the Press” Sunday so I could hear Tom Brokaw’s goodbye and possibly the announcement of the show’s new host.

After all, Brokaw had told David Letterman that his last day would be December 1st.

But the end of the show came and there was no goodbye or replacement announcement. In fact the only announcement made was that next week’s show would feature an interview with President-Elect Barack Obama—meaning Brokaw would be staying around another week.

As to who will eventually relieve Brokaw of the post he has held since June, “The Huffington Post” reported last week that David Gregory, the chief White House correspondent and host of MSNBC’s “Race for the White House” would be getting the job—a charge NBC denied Monday.
But just one hour ago, the Associated Press reported that Gregory is working on a deal, according to an NBC News executive.

Gregory has always been the person I thought was first in line for the job, but I’m not sure he’s the best person for the job. You know I believe that person is NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd, mainly because that’s who Tim Russert wanted to replace him.

In all honesty, though, Todd isn’t quite ready and Brokaw is too burnt out to continue. That leaves either Gregory or chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell and given that choice, Gregory is the way to go. I only hope they find an important role for Todd.

But the sad truth is that Gregory nor Todd can ever truly replace Tim Russert.

I wish Gregory the best of luck as he tries to come close...

Photo Credit: NBC News