Was Britney Better This Time Around?
So Britney returned to “How I Met Your Mother” tonight for another guest appearance.
And was it even better than her first one, as some critics suggested?
Her performance, yes. Her story no…
It was a cute concept. Spears’ Abby and Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) teamed up to get back at Ted. But Ted wasn’t having any of it and we didn’t get any kind of advancement in the Ted-Barney story. Plus, the ending, which was designed to leave the door open for Spears’ return, was kind of stupid.
I’m all for Britney getting her life back together. And I’m all for “How I Met Your Mother” trying to score ratings. But I’m with Neil Patrick Harris. I’d hate to see the show start “Will and Grace-ing” itself for the sake of higher ratings…
We all know how that worked out for “Will and Grace”…