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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"24": "Now we're gonna have some fun"

“Now we’re gonna have some fun,” Jack told Fayed on last night’s “24” as they prepared to take Fayed to Burke, the master of chemical torture.

But considering last night’s episode, Jack might as well have been talking to all of us watching…

In all honesty, I’ve been doubting my sanity lately. After Robert Bianco’s scathing review last week and Matt Roush’s call for big changes this week, I’ve been thinking that maybe my love for “24” has been clouding my judgment about the show.

But then last night’s episode proved that Roush, Bianco and every other critic in America that has been trashing “24” this season are the ones that should be taking a second look at themselves. You’d think that after five and a half seasons they would know not to count this one out just yet…

Warning: The remainder of this post contains details about last night’s episode of “24.”

The tone of the show was set from the very beginning as President Palmer continued his nuclear strike against Fayed’s homeland. Those first 10 minutes were “24” at its finest as my heart raced as the General continued to countdown the minutes until detonation. The show got a lot of flack for this 180 degree turn of events, so I hope all of those people are eating crow this morning as the strike turned out to be a complete ruse to get the country to cooperate.

And I know that all of the magazines who trashed him are not going to print new articles about how good he is now, but I would love nothing more as D.B. Woodside was sensational last night. The truth is he’s much better as a tough guy than he is as the diplomat. And I heartily applaud the show for giving him a chance to redeem himself. As Wayne told Tom, “I’m not David and I never will be. But I’m starting to learn that who I am is not so bad.” Yes, indeed, Mr. President. Yes, indeed.

It’s funny that I’ve been complaining all season about the lack of Jack, and when we finally get an episode with plenty of Jack, I wanted to see more of Wayne…

I am SO going to cry when he dies…

And how about that final confrontation between Jack and Fayed? Clearly the show had been saving up on its violent scenes, because that was one of the most intense fights I have ever seen on the show (In fact, Adoni Maropis, who plays Fayed, had to go to the hospital during filming.). But it was awesome.

I loved Doyle's reaction as he saw all of Fayed's men that Jack singlehandedly killed. He's clearly new...

As my second favorite Canadian, RT, so astutely pointed out to me, the entire episode felt like a season finale. The racing to stop the major threat, the touchy-feeliness of some of the scenes after the crisis was averted—all are the hallmarks of a “24” season finale. But even though there are still six episodes left, this was for all intents and purposes a finale—a finale to the Fayed-nuclear bombs story, as the show clearly has other fish to fry now…

Which leads me to last night’s twist. To no one’s surprise, Audrey is alive. And again, to no one’s surprise, the Chinese are involved—although I still gasped at the site of Cheng.

Now I should tell you right here that I have never liked Audrey much (or any of Jack’s love interests, for that matter). My opinion is that Jack can sleep with anyone he wants to on his own time; but during the 24 hours he’s on our time, I just want to see him kick butt and save the world.

However, that being said, I am THRILLED that Audrey is back. Why? Because Jack is going to move heaven and earth to get her back, no matter what the cost…

Now we’re gonna have some fun…
