Why I'm Crossing "Desperate Housewives" Off My List
It’s always hard when you cross a show off your must-see list—especially if it’s a show you’ve watched from the very beginning.
You give it chance after chance to get better because you just don’t have the heart to cut it out of your life. But then that final straw drops and you have no choice…
That’s exactly what has happened with me and “Desperate Housewives.”
Since I was pretty sure it would be the swan song of one of my favorite actors, I planned on making Sunday’s episode my Pick of the Week. But after watching it, I realized I couldn’t in good conscience recommend it to anyone.
Yes it’s that bad. But it certainly made crossing it off my list much easier…
The episode, entitled “If” does resolve last month’s cliffhanger but it also shows each housewife contemplating how their lives would be different if they made certain choices.

But it’s Bree’s that is the real atrocity here. Her “what if” story completely destroys the season’s best storyline for the sole purpose of justifying the soap opera nonsense that’s to come.
I must admit that I actually laughed several times during Susan’s what if story, which was the total high point of the episode. That’s because her “what if” is classic “DH” as it’s funny, touching and real all at the same time. It made me wonder what if the show had remembered why it was good to start with instead of worrying about giving us stupid repetitive stories. And then, as if on cue, Bree’s story completely destroys the good will of Susan’s story and totally mars a character’s exit.
“Housewives” earned a spot on my must-see list because it was unique and a great combination of drama and humor. But now it’s just a mess…
And I’ve got plenty of those in my life already…
“Desperate Housewives” airs Sunday, January 3rd at 9 p.m. on ABC…
Photo Credit: Ron Tom/ABC