“Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog”: Genius
I never watched an episode of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” or “Firefly,” so I never new what all the Joss Whedon lovers were talking about.
Now I do…
You’ll remember a few weeks ago I told you about Whedon’s Writers’ Strike project, “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.” Now after watching the first two acts, I can tell you that there’s only one word to describe it…
If you haven’t seen it, “Horrible” follows Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris) who is trying to get into the Evil League of Evil. All he needs is one massive evil act and he believes his freeze ray will be just the ticket.
Standing in his way? His nemesis Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion) and his feelings for Penny (Felicia Day), an activist for the homeless.
Act I is laugh-out-loud funny and Harris is as charming as ever (I’m totally into him now.). And Fillion is absolutely hilarious—and a pretty good singer too. Act II gets a little more serious, but the songs are awesome. The opening song which contrasts Horrible and Penny’s points of view is brilliant and I dare you to listen to the final song of the act and not hum it for hours later.
Acts I and II are on the “Dr. Horrible” website now and Act III will be up Saturday, July 19th. You can also download them on iTunes.
But the acts will only be available until Sunday, July 20th, so you don’t want to miss them…
I hope that Whedon works out some kind of deal with a network so that Harris and the songs can be eligible for Emmy consideration...