A Father’s Love

“You don’t want to get me going on this. All I can tell you is that he is the most honorable, responsible, decent man I know, and I love him with a passion. [Kiefer] behaved in a way that was so pure and so perfect and so respectful. There are other elements in this community of ours that were less so, but he was perfect.”
I think that’s really sweet; but perfect? I don’t think so…
Ah, a father’s love for his son…
However, you know that I agree with him about how other people acted—especially if he’s referring to FOX not taking any kind of responsibility.
Another person/entity that didn’t behave all that honorably was “People” magazine, which wrote an irresponsible article filled with unnamed sources and quotes from a dozen other interviews Kiefer had given over the years to other magazines. They also reported that no one saw Kiefer drink at the FOX party (insinuating he went to another party after that one), even though they printed a picture of him leaving the party in which you could see he was drunk (not to mention their complete disregard of the Internet video). So it’s interesting that “People” is now our major source of Kiefer’s daily jail activities. They’re probably eating it up…
And by the way, even if there were no Internet video, I can guarantee you that their statement is false. Because Kiefer Sutherland not drinking at a party with an open bar is like me coming home from work and not turning on the television. It’s not going to happen…
So now, we get daily stories of Kiefer folding laundry and serving meals to accused murderers. It will be interesting to see how the media coverage continues to play out.
But more importantly, it will be interesting to see how Kiefer’s life plays out. A “perfect” guy would do the right thing and finally admit his problem…
In a totally ironic twist, “USA Today” reported that a tabloid was going to report that Donald was actually drunk while shooting the wedding episode of “Dirty Sexy Money” in which Tripp got totally wasted. The tabloid didn’t run the story after Donald’s publicist told them “Donald doesn’t drink.”
I have to say the performance was really good. Unfortunately, I think we know where he could’ve gotten his inspiration…