Stay Tuned
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mom Knows Best

When I answered the phone last night, the first thing my mother said was, "You're home. I thought you'd be out celebrating."

Aren't I lucky to have a mom who understands my completely messed-up ways?

"I told your dad when I heard the news this morning that I bet your neighbors didn't get a lick of sleep last night."

"It was 10:45, Mom," I told her. "They shouldn't have been asleep anyway."

Although, I have to say that I halfway expected a letter on my front door when I got home yesterday from my landlord telling me to keep it down. Of course, between Bengals games and episodes of "24," they really should be used to it by now.

And thanks to Bravo running the Emmy awards twice yesterday, I have now watched Kiefer's winning moment four times. It gets better every time (although I wonder if he realizes he forgot to thank the cast).

"Well, I'll let you get to your game," Mom told me as she said goodbye. "Congratulations."

Now, I know there was nothing to congratulate me for, but my mom knows me well enough to know that I would appreciate that. She' s seen the posters, and the cell phone, and the books and the mouse pads, and the magazines, and the screen savers, and...

Well, you get the idea.

Oh, and by the way, the main reason she called? To see if FOX was re-airing "Prison Break" since their electricity was off.

What can I say? She's definitely my mom!

And if she ever figures out how to find this blog, she can read that I love her and dad very much.